Leerlinglisensie Klasse te Keimoes. Neem asseblief kennis dat u nou weer afsprake kan maak vir Leerlinglisensies te Keimoes Verkeerskantoor. Datums vir nou is: Maandag, 18 Oktober 2021 en Maandag, 25 Oktober 2021. Daar sal ‘n 09h00 klas en ‘n 11h00 klas wees. Deur die loop van die maand sal nog datums oopgemaak word. Baie dankie vir u kennisname.
Please note that you are now able to book appointments for learner’s licenses at Keimoes Traffic Office. Dates for now are: Monday, October 18, 2021 and Monday, October 2021. There will be a 09 a.m. class and a 11 p.m. class. Through the course of the month, more dates will be opened. Thank you very much for your note-taking. ยท
Kennisgewing: Leerlinglisensie Klasse te Keimoes. Neem asse…
Published on October 8, 2021Back to all Latest News