Waarsku Die Burgermeester van Kai !Garib Munisipaliteit wil hiermee motoriste waarsku om hul spoed aan te pas by heersende nat paaie. Groot poele water is oral te vind. Tegnies Afdeling met Senior Bestuur is tans besig met beplanning vir herstel van paaie en sal dus aandag geniet onmiddelik na die rëen seisoen. Dr Mac Kay Waarnemende Munisipale Bestuurder
The Mayor of Kai! Garib Municipality hereby wishes to warn motorists to adjust their speed from predominantly wet roads. Large pools of water can be found everywhere. Technical Department with Senior Management is currently planning for road repair and will therefore enjoy attention immediately after the rainy season. Dr Mac Kay Acting Municipal Manager ·
Waarsku Die Burgermeester van Kai !Garib Munisipaliteit wil …
Published on June 23, 2022Back to all Latest News